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Network Exploration & eXchange Assistant

The BLE Micro-AI That Weaves the Web of Wireless Intelligence


Meet NEXA™ — the hyperaware, ultra-efficient BLE micro-AI that scouts, classifies, and connects. Acting as Vera’s invisible field assistant, NEXA™ listens to the environment, catches BLE signals in real time, and weaves a dynamic web of connectivity between devices.

Whether embedded in autonomous robots, energy systems, or portable electronics, NEXA™ brings BLE clarity to chaotic signal spaces — ensuring your systems can detect, understand, and act on nearby activity with zero delay.

Optimized for low-power environments and real-time processing, NEXA™ expands the awareness and responsiveness of the entire General Lithium Intelligence Stack.

NEXA within General Lithium AI

🧠 How NEXA™ Fits Into the Platform


models battery behavior.


makes autonomous optimization decisions.

scouts the landscape — capturing BLE signals and providing live device intelligence.


Key Features

Signal Strength Triangulation

Identifies location, proximity, and density of nearby devices — even in crowded environments.

Instant Communication Relay to Vera™

All findings are sent directly to Vera for interpretation and decision-making.

BLE Device Fingerprinting

Accurately classifies known and unknown Bluetooth Low Energy devices using unique signal signatures.

Ultra-Lightweight Runtime
Ultra-Lightweight Runtime

Runs on microcontrollers and embedded platforms with minimal overhead.

Optional signal web visualizer with map-style diagnostics for engineering and QA teams.